I read across a wide variety of genres in both adult and young adult:  mostly literary fiction, popular fiction, historical fiction, women’s fiction, celebrity memoirs and creative nonfiction. I can accept e-books if they will work on a Kindle. I also review audio books.

My acceptance of a book is not a guarantee that I will review it, although I try hard to review everything. It goes without saying that all reviews are my honest opinion.

In addition to posting my reviews on this blog, I post them on LibraryThing; GoodReads, where I’m in the top 1% of reviewers; Instagram; Facebook; and Amazon, where I am a top 5,000 reviewer.

I am currently NOT accepting self-published, self-help, short story collections, poetry or Christian fiction books.

If you have a book you would like me to consider for review on this blog, please send me an email using the link below. Unfortunately, I can not respond personally to all requests but if you don’t hear back from me about a particular book, don’t let that discourage you from contacting me with another book at a later time.

I can be reached via email here.