Third Placement

We received another foster placement last Thursday (the 21st). A sweet two-day old baby boy who I will call Chief (just online, not in real life). We still have Cute-Bomb (formerly Bullfrog) so our house and van are busting at the seams with four children. I love it!

Chief is only going to be with us for a couple more weeks and then he is going to live with his grandma so I'm soaking up every minute that he's here – holding him and smelling his head whenever I get the chance. I really don't even mind that he only sleeps about an hour and half at a time at night because he's so darn sweet.

Chief looks a lot like my biological children – same eye and hair color – so whenever I take him out in public passersby assume that he's mine. Strangers are constantly stopping me to tell me that I look great for someone who just had a baby. I just smile and say thank you!

I've had a lot of people ask me if I would mind answering questions about foster parenting. I am ALWAYS happy to answer questions about it so if you have any fire away. The world can always use more foster parents – unfortunely.

  • Angie

    You, my friend, are a saint, taking these kids into your home and family. Happy All Saints Day to YOU! :)