Week-End Ramblings

This was the week of strep throat. Poor Cash tested positive for it on Wednesday. I had been running a low-grade fever for a few days so after I took him to the doctor, I went to urgent care and asked them to swab me for it. I figured why not? I didn’t have a sore throat but I have no immune system so better safe than sorry. And I did indeed test positive. The bright spot is that oral antibiotics actually worked and the fever is gone now without a trip to the hospital! Cash is all better too. It was his first time being sick this school year. And West and Neve managed not to catch it. *knock on wood*.

Shen YunIMG_2839-001The highlight of the week was my mother/son date with West. We went to see Shen Yun, a classical Chinese music and dance company. He’s been wanted to go since he heard about it last year. I was dubious that he would actually find it entertaining but I was wrong. He loved it! I liked it too but I think I liked watching him watch it more.

Lastly, I want to give a shout out to my talented friend Sarah, who made this awesome hat for me! Isn’t it cute?



  • bermudaonion(Kathy)

    Ugh, so sorry y’all had strep throat – it’s the worst. I’ve got that hat too!