Scenes from a Mexican Restaurant

We went to Jose Peppers for dinner tonight. As our Black server (he had a foreign accent so I’m not sure if he was African American) turned to leave after taking our order, Cash yelled out, "Hey mom, was he a little black guy?" For what it’s worth, the poor guy was at least six feet tall. I guess every guy looks little compared to Daddy. As I prayed to the universe to swallow our table up and save me from my tactless child, a male server who was no more than five feet tall walked by. Cash yelled out, "Hey mom, look at that little server!" Oh universe, why has thou forsaken me?

What do you do when you are an impeccably neat child and you don’t want to risk dripping melted ice cream on your shirt?


Why, you drink your ice cream with a straw of course!

  • Jessica

    Yay! You have a blog. You’re so cool. My sister told me that she was out with my niece, Bella, and there was a little person with dwarfism (is that the right way to explain it?) and Bella, very excitedly and loudly, pointed and said, “Look! It’s a little mommy!” My sister said she wished the earth would open up and swallow her, too.