A Scrapbooking Hangover

Yesterday was National Scrapbooking Day (you knew that, right?) and I was out cropping until 2am last night and then I got up at 8am this morning and cropped some more. I am dead tired but I know you are on the edge of your seats waiting to read my Weight Watchers update:

I got up extra early yesterday morning to weigh-in before going to scrapbook. I got to Weight Watchers and they were closed due to damage from the tornado we had here Thursday night. I frantically called Travis and had him look up where the next closest meeting was. It was in Mission, about 20 minutes away so I hightailed it over there, weighed in and then turned around and hightailed it to Liberty to meet my friends for a prescrapbooking breakfast. You need to carbo load before you go and crop for 15 hours straight.

I lost a pound, bringing me to a total loss of 5.2 pounds and earning me my first 5 pound star. It was worth driving all the way to Mission to get my little star sticker.