Innocence Lost

Cash hit a milestone tonight that I didn't think he'd hit for a long time – he lost his first tooth.

Actually he didn't lose it so much at it was knocked out during his soccer game. Cash was fooling around and hanging on Travis's hands and let go suddenly, causing one of Travis's hands to snap back and hit Cash in the mouth. Travis felt AWFUL. It was just a freak accident. Cash was freaking out too, since we've never talked about the fact that he'll lose teeth or the Tooth Fairy or anything. I thought we could wait a couple of years before bringing that up. After he calmed down and I explained how the whole process works, he was pretty excited about it. When we got home, we put his tooth in an envelope and put it under his pillow:


And in case you were wondering, I did call the dentist. I also called the pediatrician and had one of the other coaches who is a nurse come over and look at Cash. Have you ever seen the show The New Adventures of the Old Christine? Christine is a mom who tries her best, but definitely has her faults. The "mean mommies" at her son's school make her feel inadequate because they are perfect (on the surface anyway) and nothing phases them. I felt like Christine tonight on the sidelines, freaking out and not knowing what to do as all the other moms were shaking their heads at me and telling me it was no big deal, it's just a baby tooth. I hate feeling panicked and unprepared. The dentist does want to see Cash tomorrow to make sure there isn't any damage to the permanent tooth bud.

And I know it may sound melodramatic, but I am mourning this milestone passing. I think we all know milestones are bittersweet to me (that's why poor West didn't get a haircut until he was over two years old) and I have difficulty adapting when things don't go according to plan. I thought Cash losing his first tooth would entail wiggling and anticipation and reading stories about the Tooth Fairy and more wiggling. I'm kind of sad that we didn't get to do all that. I'll get over it though. I went out tonight and got Cash a super cool toy that he's really been wanting for the Tooth Fairy to bring to him. I can't wait to see his face in the morning after he sees it. Stay tuned…

  • Pam

    He looks sooo adorable! Sorry it happened this way, but I would have been making the same calls too. You are a great mom, and I can’t wait to see how happy he is with his tooth fairy present.
    FYI, the tooth fairy was very generous to mommy in our house too. She knew just how much that first tooth meant, and left the tooth with a note saying that its best for mommy to keep.

  • Stacy

    I felt a little saddened when my oldest lost his first tooth. Eventually you will get to the point of, “Don’t wiggle that tooth. See if you can keep it til tomorrow.” Because you don’t have any cash in the house to give them. I know we have. BTW, if I come live with you and knock out a tooth will the tooth fairy bring me the toy I want? (iPhone) Ha.

  • CW

    Oh my Fod, the Tooth Fairy is a LOT more generous at your house. Peanut gets a buck or two. Unless we are in Oklahoma. I think the going rate for a tooth there was $10.

  • Jessica

    Hey, Jonathan lost his first tooth when he was 4, I’m pretty sure. I need to check the scrapbooks. I do remember him being scared and crying a little. The whole milestone made me a bit blue, too. You might ask Angie about it–I know that Joanne got a tooth knocked out very early.

  • Krista

    Ben went to the dentist a week or two ago and both his bottom middle are lose. Not ready to fall out this week but in the next coming months. I’m right there with you wishing we had more time. It seems like something that should happen in a few years. Granted Cash’s is a bit early but still….are we ever ready for them to grow up? Take care and I for one, KNOW YOU ARE A WONDERFUL MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • raegan

    i’d be totally freaking out, too! he’s lucky he’s such a cutie & looks *adorable* as a snaggletooth.