Book Review: Wild About You
Wild About You by Kerrelyn Sparks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Publisher: Avon
Release Date: November 27, 2012
Publisher’s Description:
It’s not every day that Elsa Bjornberg feels delicate, not when she hosts a home renovation show where she can effortlessly demolish a kitchen. But from the moment she meets Howard Barr, this bear of a man makes her feel like a woman. And the way he looks at her, as if she were a pot of honey he’d like to lick . . .
Howard is not like most men. For one thing, he’s a shapeshifter. And he always thought his celebrity crush would never amount to anything more than drooling at Elsa on TV. When his meddling vampire employer gets involved, the star is suddenly within his grasp—and within a hair of her life. For an ancient curse forbids their new found love, and Howard is suddenly torn between his desire for her and his desire to keep her alive.
This book is the thirteenth book in the Love At Stake series. I haven’t read any of the other books in the series but I didn’t have any trouble following the story in this book. Ms. Sparks does a great job of concisely summarizing past events so that a new reader knows the history of various characters.
There was great chemistry between Howard and Elsa. I don’t want to spoil anything but I thought the ancient curse that kept Howard and Elsa apart was original and creative. There was also plenty of humor. Whenever Elsa thinks about Howard, she only thinks of him in terms of adjectives that start with “H”. Kind of like a grown up Sesame Street! Even though some of the adjectives were cheesy – e.g. hunky – I thought it was great and added to the overall campiness of the book. Her aunts are funny characters as well. The loves scenes were not campy however – they were hot and steamy, as they should be.
Wild About You is fabulous brain candy – perfect for the beach or bathtub. I liked it enough that I want to go back and read the other books in the series.
Thank you to TLC Book Tours for providing me with a copy of this book. Check out the other tour stops:
Tuesday, November 27th: Let Them Read Books
Wednesday, November 28th: Eclectic/Eccentric
Thursday, November 29th: Hopelessly Devoted Bibiophile
Wednesday, December 5th: Book Reviews by Molly
Monday, December 10th: Mom in Love With Fiction
Wednesday, December 12th: StephTheBookworm
Friday, December 14th: Books, Thoughts And a Few Adventures
Tuesday, December 18th: Romancing the Book
Thursday, December 20th: Book Spark
TBD: Sara’s Organized Chaos
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