Sunday Salon: November 15-21
Overall this was a fun week. Thursday I went to see Wicked at the Music Hall with some friends. I really enjoyed it; it was completely different from the book but I knew that going in so it didn't bother me. Then on Friday I went with some other friends to see New Moon.
I took West to the ENT Tuesday – he's going to need another set of ear tubes and his adenoids removed. Hopefully, he'll hear and sleep better after the procedure and be less grouchy.
Today at Campfire, the boys made their boats for the Rain Gutter Regatta, which will be held in December:
This was another light reading week. I need to start peeling myself off the computer earlier at night and start my evening reading sooner. The only book I finished was Twilight by Stephenie Meyer but I did read a little bit on a couple of other books.