Weekend Cooking: Julie & Julia Movie Review

Weekend Cooking Weekend Cooking is hosted by Beth Fish Reads every weekend. Here's what she says about it:

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Julie-julia-poster2 Travis and I watched Julie & Julia last night as part of our Christmas vacation Golden Globe nominee marathon. I thought it was a really fun movie. I didn't know much about Julia Child before I watched this and I was surprised at her charm and wit. Meryl Streep is spot-on in her portrayal of Child and the director did a great job of making her look gigantic compared to everyone else. (Child was six foot two inches tall.) Amy Adams is adorable as always. Her character Julie's blogging is actually entertaining and fun to watch. I wonder how much of the drama related to her blog was real and how much was embellished for more exciting storytelling. I recommend this movie to anyone looking for a fun, charming movie and especially to bloggers and/or foodies.

  • http://bfishreads.blogspot.com Beth F

    LOL! This seems to have been a Christmas choice for many of us. You really should read My Life in France some time. I was so taken with Julia Child after reading her memoir.

  • http://www.dalayneysdoodles.blogspot.com dalayney

    I wasn’t really intriqued by this movie when it first came out, but now, everyone is just raving about it so I have it on my list! :)

  • Michele

    Hi Rachel, I actually think her blogging was probably more colorful than was portrayed in the movie. Here is a link to the archive of it.

  • http://profile.typepad.com/1206855386s29266 Rachel McElhany

    Ive heard shes actually kind of a bitch and that Amy Adams portrayed her as way nicer than she really is. Her new book is about how she cheated on her husband. I havent read it but its getting terrible reviews.
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