Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon

I've taken a little unintentional break from blogging the past couple of weeks. Last week was the boys' spring break. We drove to Indiana to spend time with Granddad and MaMaw and stopped in St. Louis on the way there to go to The Magic House and The Science Center. I'll have more posts later in the week detailing our adventures.

On Friday I had surgery to have a lipoma (aka fatty tumor) removed. It was deep in my lower back so I had to go under general anesthesia. Travis and the boys have been taking great care of me this weekend. I thought I'd get a ton of reading done while laid up but the Vicodin (ah, sweet Vicodin) is making it hard for me to concentrate. I've gotten all caught up on my reviews though and hope to get caught up on the rest of my blogging. So stay tuned – I have a lot of posts scheduled for the next couple of weeks!

  • Debnance

    Hope you are feeling better soon! Surgery…ugh!
    I’m hosting a giveaway on my Sunday Salon post today. I plan to give away two $10 gift cards to Amazon on Easter Sunday. I hope you will stop by and sign up!